Fuirich còmhla rinn
Àiteachan-fuirich airson diofar bhuidseatan & blasan eadar-dhealaichte
Fuirich an oidhche air Oighreachd Ghabhsainn. Faodaidh sibh campadh fo na rionnagan, fuireach aig Leabaidh is Bracaist sa choimhearsnachd, Taigh-Òsta no Taigh-Aoigheachd no gu àite fèin-fhrithealaidh.
Ge bith dè an àite a thaghas sibh, faodaidh sibh a bhith cinnteach gum faic sibh tràighean bhrèagha, machair agus fàilte chridheil bho muinntir na coimhearsnachd.
The Galson Campsite is in North Lewis, behind the new Galson Estate Trust Business Centre. The brand new campsite has four hardstanding pitches with electric hook-up for motorhomes and caravans.
Within the site, there is a block which consists of a hot shower, toilet, waste disposal and dishwashing facilities. The Galson Trust Business Centre provides essential tourism information, interpretation facilities and events
(please see www.galsontrust.com for more information).
The Galson Campsite is less than 3 miles from the bar and restaurant, Borve Country House Hotel, and only five miles from another, Cross Inn. Spòrsnis, the local sports and community centre, is a 15 minute drive and has ten pin bowling, a soft play area, multi-sports hall, gym and shower facilities. In the neighbouring villages to the Campsite there are also a variety of shops and a petrol station nearby. Galson Campsite is located in close proximity to numerous sandy and rocky beaches, and is ideally located for bird and wildlife watching spots. Nearby attractions also include Eoropie Playpark, Butt of Lewis Lighthouse, Port of Ness Harbour and many more.
We are open all year round.
We have no minimum required stay.
Ground type: Hard standing
Touring type: Campervans, Caravans and Motorhomes
Pitch size: 7m
Max number of guests per pitch: Same as Vehicle Allowance.
Max number of dogs per pitch: 2
This brand new campsite has been kitted out with beautiful facilities including the following:
Toilet & Shower Block
Dishwashing Facility
Running Drinking Water
Electric and Amperage: 240 v
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Chemical Toilet Waste Disposal Site.
Gallery: Site, pitch 4 (accessible pitch), kitchen facilities, accessible toilet/shower, site.
Pictured above: The Butt of Lewis Lighthouse in Eoropie, just over nine miles away from the campsite.
The campsite is located behind the Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn (Galson Estate Trust) offices in Galson.
UOG Business Centre,
South Galson, Isle of Lewis,
Click search to check the availability of the start date.
Please note: all dates highlighted in red are fully booked.
Please contact for any more information you may require.
Email. tourism@uogltd.com
Tel: +44 (01851) 850 393